What is One Single Story?

One Single Story began in 2022 with Open Door Church reading the Bible chronologically together in one year. In 2023 we continued to learn more about the Bible by going through one book at a time, looking at a theme that is present in that book.

In 2024, we began a reading plan that will span three years.

We release a podcast Monday - Friday supporting a section of the day’s reading. The podcasts will be available on all platforms to listen to or download. They are also available on YouTube.

If you pick this podcast up a month or two into the year, I encourage you to download the reading plan and start that day. If you want to listen to previous podcasts, you can do that, but just start the readings on that calendar date. If you don't finish a particular passage for a day, don't feel like you’re behind. Read what you can. Internalize what you can.

Journaling is a way to help you internalize what you’re reading. Use whatever journal you want, or get any notebook. Even a sentence or two: This is what spoke to me. This is what I'm thinking about today. This is where I want to grow. This is what God wants to do in my life right now. This is what this means to me. Writing something straightforward helps internalize what you read.

Join us on this journey as together we read through the Bible, as we preach, pray, teach, journal, and listen to podcasts.

All these tools intend to support our growth and understanding of the word of God.

We look forward to being a part of your life. We look forward to diving deeper into the One Single Story that the Bible provides.

Pastor Stephen Mizell

Lead Pastor
Open Door Church
Edenton, NC